
How to manage your time well?

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In a life that is getting faster and faster, we are all forced to deal with time, which seems to fly by at the speed of light. For some, time is an abstract concept. And the adage that says "Time is money" is more than relevant. How to manage time well? For most people, this seems easier said than done. By following our advice, you will certainly succeed. And you will see that managing your time offers many advantages. 

Why manage your time?

In the professional world, as everywhere else except if you are on vacation, time is limited. You are often racing against the clock in a society where deadlines are getting shorter and shorter: every minute, every hour counts. And whatever you do, you don't have a single second to lose. So you may find that you are almost always in a rush when the deadline looms. You feel like you have no time at all to do anything but work, and you often finish late or take work home with you. Weekends no longer really exist for you. Or it seems that you spend most of your time trying to solve endless problems. Weekends to you are just like any other day of the week. In short, if you find that working is more stressful than anything else, it is likely that you have everything to gain by managing your time well. 

photo of sand in an hourglass
photo of sand in an hourglass

The advantages of managing your time well

In a life where obligations are legion, good time management allows you to find a balance. Whether those obligations are family, work or social, you can get more organized. This will give you a sense of satisfaction to accomplish enough in each area. You will also have less stress in accomplishing the different tasks. You will save time and be able to free up time to enjoy your hobbies. Good time management is the surest way to meet your deadlines and achieve your goals. It creates a sense of accomplishment and increases your self-confidence. And even if unforeseen events occur, you will be better able to deal with them and manage them. This will help you avoid a catastrophic outcome. Not to mention the sense of control you may feel. Indeed, despite the hazards, you will have the impression that you are better in control of the situation. Yes, by managing your time better, you can structure your work better, you will have a clear vision of tasks and deadlines, etc. In short, managing time well allows you to be more efficient, effective, productive and less stressed. 

black twin bell desk clock on table
black twin bell desk clock on table

Tidy up your workspace

A waste of time is not always found where you think. Well-organized files and documents allow you to save time when you need them at the moment. And having to fumble around wastes your time. You'll have added stress. It's not just about being organized on your desk. Do the same on your computer: create briefcases and folders, so that you can easily find the document you need at the right time with a few clicks. Do the same for your emails: create labels to make it easier for you. In short, organize your workspace in an ergonomic and logical way for you.

silver iMac with keyboard trackpad on desk
silver iMac with keyboard trackpad on desk

Set goals

Sailing on sight? It sounds exciting, but you can get lost along the way. Knowing where you're going is actually a pillar of time management. It's much easier to get organized when you know exactly what you want. You can set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. This way, you can better adapt the time you have available. However, make sure you set achievable goals. To do this, use the S.M.A.R.T method for Simple, Measurable, Acceptable, Achievable and Temporally defined.

black and white typewriter with goals written on paper
black and white typewriter with goals written on paper

Plan your day

Keeping an agenda and sticking to it as much as possible is a way to manage your time well. Ideally, you should plan your day according to your goals. Identify and prioritize the tasks and activities you are going to do. You will be less stressed and more efficient. This is the famous "to do list". Be careful not to overload your agenda: it is not because your schedule is overloaded that you will be more efficient. On the contrary, you risk stressing and therefore being less efficient. As a result, you lose time because you are not clear-headed. 

photo of planner and writing materials
photo of planner and writing materials

Increase your ability to concentrate

The more focused you are on what you have to do, the more time you will save, but you will also be more efficient and therefore more productive. If possible, work in a setting that is conducive to concentration, and eliminate any disruptive elements. Social networks are the most time-consuming: disconnect while you finish what you have to finish.

woman typing on keyboard of laptop placed on table
woman typing on keyboard of laptop placed on table

Dare to say no

Some people don't dare to say no to requests and solicitations, whether in the professional or private domain. However, knowing and daring to say no is essential if you don't want to be overwhelmed by tasks that are not your responsibility, or activities that don't really mean anything to you. Saying no also means respecting yourself. Another way to set limits is to delegate when possible.
Take a moment to think about it before agreeing when you are asked to do something: if it fits in with your priorities and does not represent a burden on your schedule, why not? Otherwise, decline. To do this, avoid agreeing within a minute of being asked. 

close up of palm with works no written on it
close up of palm with works no written on it

Set limits for yourself

To better manage your time, set time limits: for yourself, but also for others. This is how you can control your schedule. Assess the difficulty of the task you have to accomplish and set a time limit to complete it. To control your appointments and phone calls, announce at the outset the time you have available to get to the point immediately. This will reduce the risk of overflow. Don't forget to write down the essential points of your exchanges immediately to avoid forgetting. And note in your agenda what needs to be done to reorganize your schedule when necessary. 

Give yourself breaks

Does it seem paradoxical to manage your time well in order to save time? And yet, by regularly giving yourself a break in your schedule, you will gain time. Thanks to this break, you can rest your brain for a while. Remember, no one can stay focused for a whole day. By oxygenating your brain, it gains in concentration, and will be consequently more effective. So, getting some fresh air, stretching, enjoying a good cup of coffee... in short, a little break is absolutely not counterproductive. 

woman wearing white shirt sitting on window with cup in hand
woman wearing white shirt sitting on window with cup in hand

The best way to organize your time is essentially based on your ability to make choices in accordance with your goals and priorities, as well as your ability to set limits. Dare to assert yourself to take control not only of your life, but also of your time.

I help Entrepreneurs to transform their lives through the elements that have allowed me to transform mine : Mindset, Energy, Discipline.